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Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer 5. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer
September, 25-29, 2006, Dubrovnik, Croatia

DOI: 10.1615/ICHMT.2006.TurbulHeatMassTransf

ISBN Print: 978-1-56700-229-4

ISSN: 2377-2816

A Study of Turbulence Modulation Models for Gas-Particle Flows

pages 667-670
DOI: 10.1615/ICHMT.2006.TurbulHeatMassTransf.1440
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Краткое описание

In this paper, three models for turbulence modulation in gas-particle flow were numerically investigated for a range of mass loadings and particle sizes. One model, intended to capture turbulence augmentation and based on the local mean slip velocity, predicted a higher gas-phase turbulence intensity compared to that in a clear gas; a second model, based on the local fluctuating velocity of the particle and gas phases, consistently produced a attenuation in turbulence. Neither of these two models adequately captured the effects of mass loading and particle size. By comparison, a third modulation model, based on the ratio of time scales, was better able to reproduce the range of turbulence modulation observed in the experimental data, including both augmentation and attenuation. From the viewpoint of developing predictive models, the physics of turbulence augmentation and attenuation appear to present a significant challenge.

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