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Hydrobiological Journal
Главный редактор: S. A. Afanasyev (open in a new tab)
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ISSN Печать: 0018-8166

ISSN Онлайн: 1943-5991

SJR: 0.221 SNIP: 0.469 CiteScore™:: 0.9 H-Index: 12

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Peculiarities of the Structural and Functional Characteristics of Contact Hydrobiocenoses

Том 56, Выпуск 1, 2020, pp. 3-23
DOI: 10.1615/HydrobJ.v56.i1.10
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Краткое описание

Various sections of contact hydrobiocenoses were investigated. It has been shown that the response of biotic communities can be modified under conditions of their interaction. A manifestation of edge effect in the transition zone depends on changes in the structure of individual communities. Thus, it is not always registered. It is essential to determine not only internal (or central) boundaries, but also external boundaries of hydrobiocenoses.

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