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Journal of Automation and Information Sciences

Выходит 12 номеров в год

ISSN Печать: 1064-2315

ISSN Онлайн: 2163-9337

SJR: 0.173 SNIP: 0.588 CiteScore™:: 2

Indexed in

The Eighth Ukrainian Conference on Space Research

Том 40, Выпуск 11, 2008, pp. 78-79
DOI: 10.1615/JAutomatInfScien.v40.i11.90
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Краткое описание

In the range of September 1−7, 2008 the National Center of Control and Test of Space Facilities located not far from the town of Evpatoria held the Eighth Ukrainian conference on space research. The conference organizers were the Institute of Space Research of National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine and National Space Agency (NSA) of Ukraine, the National Center of Control and Test of Space Facilities of NSA of Ukraine by decision and under support of NSA of Ukraine.

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